Não existe. Ou é bom ou é barato (isso chama-se "ou exclusivo" em computês). Se você quer bom E barato, faça você mesmo:
- cafeteira italiana: US$ 7 (chinesa, tamanho 3 doses) em qualquer Supermercado de médio porte; US$40 (original Bialetti, 6 doses);
- café a granel (Dark French) no Whole Food Market (Columbus Circle, West Central Park) moído para café espresso (o mais fino possivel, 0.5 lb a US$ 4);
- caneca térmica (Barnes & Noble mug, US$ 15);
- água mineral, gás, fogão não contam;
- 3 minutos do seu tempo (não tem preço!).
Pelas minhas contas 10 cafés no Star Bucks pagam o "investimento". A cafeteira e caneca duram até você cansar da cara delas. Para quem quer gastar mais compre uma Bialleti a US$40. Alguém vai jurar que o gosto é melhor na original (principalmente se não reparar o Made in China escrito em letras miúdas).
Ainda sobre o café:
Coffee Can Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer's
from the more-coffee-please-wait-what dept.
posted by kdawson on Friday January 16, @10:09 (Medicine)
[0]Amenacier writes "Recent studies by Finnish and Swedish researchers have shown that drinking moderate amounts of [1]coffee can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease in people. The reason for this is as yet unknown, although it has been hypothesized that the high levels of antioxidants found in coffee may play a role in preventing dementia and Alzheimer's. Alternatively, some studies have shown that coffee can protect nerves, which may help prevent Alzheimer's. Other studies have shown that coffee may also help to protect against diabetes, another disease which has been shown to have links to Alzheimer's disease. However, researchers warn against drinking too much coffee, as 3 cups or more may cause hallucinations."
0. http://geneticsgirl.blogspot.com/
1. http://news.theage.com.au/breaking-news-world/coffee-reduces-alzheimers-risk-study-20090116-7in8.html
Ainda sobre o café:
Coffee Can Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer's
from the more-coffee-please-wait-what dept.
posted by kdawson on Friday January 16, @10:09 (Medicine)
[0]Amenacier writes "Recent studies by Finnish and Swedish researchers have shown that drinking moderate amounts of [1]coffee can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease in people. The reason for this is as yet unknown, although it has been hypothesized that the high levels of antioxidants found in coffee may play a role in preventing dementia and Alzheimer's. Alternatively, some studies have shown that coffee can protect nerves, which may help prevent Alzheimer's. Other studies have shown that coffee may also help to protect against diabetes, another disease which has been shown to have links to Alzheimer's disease. However, researchers warn against drinking too much coffee, as 3 cups or more may cause hallucinations."
0. http://geneticsgirl.blogspot.com/
1. http://news.theage.com.au/breaking-news-world/coffee-reduces-alzheimers-risk-study-20090116-7in8.html